Essential Me

Terra Date: April 12, 2021  |  By

essentialThere’s a lot of talk about what qualifies as essential these days. The re-framing of language has led to much confusion in the ranks. Let’s keep it simple. You are essential. I am essential. We are intelligent beings capable of incalculable goodness and great works if we could just learn to trust ourselves and the Light that burns within us. And, although we seem to be flopping around like fish on dry land – I want to believe… no, I have to believe that we can navigate our way through these dark waters.

In the meantime, as we drop anchor in our chosen port, there is confusion, distrust and weariness. We witness people no longer capable of keeping their emotions in check. It doesn’t matter what “side” you choose – there is a sense of madness that manifests in the air around us. I firmly believe these times are meant to force spiritual awakening and reclamation of our Oneness. We have reached a tipping point and it’s time to “know thyself”. There is no changing the outside world. It’s the inside battle that needs to be fought for and won. The outside battle will fail or succeed based on the inner state of each individual.

Essential Oils

Which strangely leads me to – essential oils and the role they can play in supporting our body and mind through these chaotic times.

Many years ago I used to struggle with anxiety issues before I learned that my physical health was largely to blame for the riot in my system. I was able to find a doctor that was a true healer and together we fixed the dis-ease that had plagued me all my life. As long as I stick to clean living I am able to banish the anxiety and GI issues and stay balanced. Unfortunately, I’m finding it more challenging to stay on my feet in this thorny terrain we currently inhabit. In looking for safe and effective ways to manage these challenges I decided to look into essential oils. 

Recently, I found the oils to be effective for treating a migraine “hang over” as I call them. I really didn’t think rubbing the oil on my temples and the back of my neck would do anything but make me smell nice! However, in only a few minutes the pain was lifted and almost gone. Placebo? Maybe. I am sure I will have another opportunity to test it again. 

On another occasion, I was instructed to use Grapefruit Essential Oil on a rather large Ganglion Cyst that had developed due to an injury. Granted, I was also getting acupuncture treatment but that oil definitely played a big role in dissolving that little bugger. It disappeared in less than a week of treatment!


My personal experience with essential oils had my curiosity peaked for years as I considered whether or not it would be a viable income stream. As I deliberated on life’s possibilities my personal circumstances kept changing. In that time, I earned my certification in Massage Therapy & Healing Protocols. Ten years later, having incorporated the knowledge from my studies, both formal and self directed, I finally made the choice to become a doTERRA Wellness Advocate!

As a doTERRA Wellness Advocate I am able to purchase at wholesale prices and pass that discount on to you. Trust me when I say – I am no salesperson. Since I don’t like to be pushed or pressured into making a purchase I certainly won’t be doing that to anyone that shows an interest in the product. Just straight talk. Ask a question, get an answer and make a decision.


If you are not always moving forward in life you will find yourself standing in place and stagnant. As such, this is the next road I want to travel. Dove-tailing the art of healing with Essential Oils is an interesting prospect and I look forward to the many discoveries ahead.

Are you looking for an effective way to manage your stress levels, improve overall health, and/or find “clean” cleaning products to use in your home or business? If yes, please take a look at my doTERRA website and feel free to ask me questions!

doTerra’s Co-Impact Sourcing: is an initiative that seeks to develop long-term, mutually beneficial supplier partnerships; create sustainable jobs; and provide reliable income in underdeveloped areas. Learn more…


It’s truly a brave new world out there. I still struggle to come to terms with the things I cannot control. Accepting the choices of others and trying to find that place inside of me that can process each outcome without judgment, or more accurately, without grief. This is no easy task as my mind deconstructs each new plot twist in the reality TV show we now call novel life. Watching family post their vaccine victory poses on social media gives me chills as I bear witness to the incredible power of propaganda. Please, do not be offended by my description. Each one of us currently confounds the other in our pursuit of what is right.

Although, it feels like a dereliction of duty to not sound the alarm bells each week, I now understand that the noise I make is just that – useless noise. Words and pictures fold in on themselves as meaningless to the mind that perceives a divergent signal and exiles the unwanted intrusion. Unless spoken and approved by a figure head all objective messaging is dismissed. All I can do is watch and wait in full awareness of the next Act and Scene that has been planned and scripted well ahead of time. Most people are behaving quite predictably and responding to all the carrots/donuts that are dangled in front of them to coax them in the “right” direction.

“The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood he was one of them.” – Turkish Proverb

We are no longer a society that values the inner thoughts and intelligence of the every day human being. There is always a preapproved qualifier that envelopes and defines a person that legitimizes their importance and perceived value to the group. As a result of this transfer of responsibility and blind trust much of humanity has chosen to act foolishly in a desperate act of self deception. Now, I wouldn’t be me if I did not voice my concerns. I know many may think that I am the fool. At this point, it matters not what we think but what we do.

I suppose my observable actions appear to be that of a backward person. To me, I am not moving backwards at all. I am still moving forward in a game of optics akin to retrograde motion.  It can make one feel quite at odds with their surroundings and with the people in their orbit. Not the most comfortable place to be but there’s no pretending otherwise.

Or like a two-sided puzzle that can only be viewed one side at a time. The opposing pieces just waiting to be joined to complete the picture that is both seen and unseen but never appreciated simultaneously. Of course, if you build this puzzle on a clear glass plane you can observe each side if you simply change your perspective. If we are not willing to view an object from all sides we will never have a complete understanding of it.

“It is no measure of health to be adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

I can’t help but feel we are so much more than the caricature cut-outs we mindlessly conform to as part of our obedience training. Are you tired of consenting to rules that don’t make sense to you? Of being shuffled around the game board like a sacrificial pawn?

Stand, stop, cover, wash, kneel, sick, shame, anger, force, hide, wait, stay, leave, shout, hit, bully, fear, arrest… I couldn’t treat another human being this way. I know you wouldn’t either and yet it’s been a year of this very thing and it’s getting worse. It has been disheartening to the core as most people continue to operate under, and awkwardly adopt, this tyrannical influence. What do you think the world will look like after the requisite jabs are administered? Will the leaders of the world relinquish their grip over your life?

To live is to breathe – to breathe is to live. Choose wisely…

2 Replies to “Essential Me”

  1. kevinfromheaven says:

    I would like to try the Grape seed oil. How much is one bottle.

    1. being_human says:

      Excellent! I will contact you privately 🙂

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