Shadow Lands

Terra Date: April 5, 2024  |  By

shadow landsIt’s been a few weeks since my last post. I swore to myself that I was going to do a post a week but life does make it difficult. Writing is my only outlet. The only corner of my existence where the fresh air of creativity breathes a little life back into the care-giving journey I have chosen. There are so many things I desire but cannot have and as I watch those in my life keep moving about within their relative freedom it is difficult to resist entering the dark places in my mind.

What can one do to banish such emotional darts? Write! And so, here I sit, back in the writer’s chair, and I find myself amused with the creative outcome. The story below came about as a means to introduce a new resource page to the website. It is definitely a doorway into the dark room of my developing thoughts. Snapshots clipped to a string in no particular order slowly revealing their truths to impress upon the viewer to look deeper into the images that emerge. Some will seem incomprehensible – too out of focus or underdeveloped – not yet ready to see the light of day.

Perhaps I am an out of focus image. I must learn patience as my eyes adjust to the darkness, exposed and vulnerable, in trusting anticipation of the light of life that is to come. Let the story telling begin…


They call me NinjaCat but I am known by many names.

I am the yin to BanjoCat’s yang. I walk in the internet forest of the 404 shadow lands where broken pages and website artifacts exist in the swirling mist of digital decay. The Wayback Wizard and Queen Alexa rule this space and keep its secrets as they send out their spider-like soldiers “the web crawlers” to mine this world of its dormant records. Their efforts, they say, are meant to preserve the massive bone piles of discarded memories left behind by the retired and fallen castaway’s of a not so distant past. A time when techno-magic changed the course of civilization.

A replica of the Library of Alexandria sits at the center of this metaverse. The idea to mimic this legendary library rose from the very ashes of this footnote in history. Much of the wisdom from that age was lost and society suffered as a result of its tactical destruction. War was the vehicle used to dismantle the society that was – a reset forced by the locust people – a tribe that has mastered deception and usury to maintain its dominance over the battery class. This second class citizen functions like a fuel cell that the locust class feeds upon to keep the grinding wheels of progress firmly in their favor.

Is this next level library a phoenix born from its fiery demise or the devil in disguise? Can it too reclaim and capture the wisdom and folly of our times? Historians, scholars, and researchers stand in the wings of marbled halls ready to aggregate the data and reflect upon your successes and failures as a human species. I have watched human history unfold throughout the ages. There is much bias as facts and figures are purposely manipulated to spin the narrative that adheres humanity’s “winners and losers” to their fixed position on the sticky web of deceit.

They now possess hundreds of terabytes of digital transactions of social commentary and personal spending habits meticulously timestamped and collated for each individual. This information will be utilized to map the future of a global supra-digital culture. Each phase of your life, from womb to tomb, serves as a scorecard and admissions ticket that validates your right to exist in a properly controlled environment. And from this data they seek to fracture and reform us – tell us what we are, who we are, and why we are here.

Social Score System – This short film is impressive and worth the watch

Within this matrix I observe the aimless wanderers led by the ubiquitous black mirror in their hands. It is the most effective tool the locust class has harnessed thus far. Functioning as a socially acceptable drug, it hypnotizes the user until they are hungover and sick from the daily poison they willingly ingest. It is astoundingly difficult to bear witness to this phenomena as they remove themselves farther and farther away from “the knowing” – the answers to what, who, and why.

The bad taste this leaves in their mouths sours their desire to live a life built upon the sinews of their own creative brilliance. Instead, they’ve grown accustomed to the irritation that arises from the unsteady and confused internal conflict created by their addiction. Their life essence dimming as the black mirror absorbs them into its unnatural realms. The wanderers are starving to death (body, mind, and spirit) and don’t even know it. Their souls shrinking and solidifying in the process. Seeking out ever more forms of distraction and distortions to escape the happy hell that surrounds them.

At this present point in history, under the guise and eyes of philanthropic benevolence, these phantoms of power wish to recast your image into something low and base… something like them but even lower. Man as machine, owned and patented, is the desired fate they prepare for us through the banishment of our spirit-body forever. This is the true aim of the novel age: Putting a stop to our spiritual evolution and commandeering our helpless corpses to feed their insatiable oppressive appetites. How long will humanity walk in the valley of the shadow of death buried in the coffin of materialism that banishes all light and fouls the air?

Behavior software built into the black mirror will remotely reward and punish your thoughts and choices. If Alexa is queen then Data is king. What is data? Data is currency. What is currency? Currency is power. What is power? Power is what you possess. That’s right. This is what they want and they want you to remain ignorant of this fact. They use the battery class to run the engine of devolution that feeds the coils that turn your brilliance into dim artificial life. This data you so freely provide is more precious than gold – of more value to these cultists than life itself.

Social Media Addiction – Some good insights in this short film

Technology is now sprinting into the future and one modern lifetime now feels like many. Exhausted by convenience and ease and the battering ram of cultural and moral decay one wonders what will come next? What kind of world is forming for the next generation? How will humanity protect their prodigy from the locust class and their relentless march to make captive the hearts and minds of men?

Inflicted by endless designer wars intended to displace and diminish the battery class – all people represent the chosen – for they are selected with prejudice to a sentence of life without parole or death. No community is immune to the indiscriminate AI generated selection process.

The ugly battle on the outside is a reflection of the spiritual battle taking place on the inside of each individual to free themselves from the yoke of indoctrinated disempowerment. It is incumbent upon the individual to build a secret space, a library in the heart of the mind, that cannot be breached nor burned to the ground.

To be born again from the ashes of an old life that only ever served the philanthropaths that traded you as a commodity in their weaponized portfolios. These self appointed kings and queens earn royalties from the sport of your compliance with their every demand. Do not be afraid to flip the game board and send all their pieces flying in all directions. Let them keep their valueless game board currency. Humanity must forge a new path to create real wealth based on spiritual principles. It does my heart good to see more people questioning the unethical paradigm of governance supported by indecipherable tomes that can no longer be understood even by their shameless executors.

If you can break your spell induced love affair with the black mirror you will begin to see with new eyes. Use their device selectively and wisely or it will use you up until all sense of Self has been eradicated. Find a healthy balance before you lose your innate ability to function outside the confines of the tiny shiny cage that has become your crack house.  

As a bystander and witness to the vortex of all time, of the deeds and actions seen and unseen, all are recorded in the ethereal grooves of unspoiled eternal Truth. The real Truth cannot be manipulated and is not within their grasp to pollute nor pollinate with their seeds of destruction. So, do not despair, for you shall find your way out of the valley of shadows. You shall come to understand your strength and beauty as it was meant to be – as you are born to be. Do not give it away so easily. Fight for your very Soul.

Prepare yourself for a new age, for it is coming, and it will either descend further into madness or proclaim a new Philosophy of Freedom. May the world choose wisely. May they choose the good fight for a brighter future.


That was a short short story but I am glad I pushed myself to finish it. It took a surprisingly long time to flesh out as I sought out small windows of opportunity to write. As I have mentioned in previous posts, my mother calls on me throughout the day and there is precious little time to get anything done that requires focus. I am forced to abruptly slam the breaks on my thoughts and function as a TV channel changer, snack maker, and boredom chaser.

For example, I signed up for an online course a few months ago to prepare for my future and I have yet to begin the coursework. I am absolutely burned-out and emotionally drained. 

How do I find a way to keep going? And now we come back to the original reason for this post. I decided to build a resource page to help support and guide me through the many challenges I face. In doing so, perhaps you too will find comfort in these resources. The page is lightly populated with links at the moment but it will grow in time.

Click/Tap the image below and enter the Warrior Zone. 

shadow lands

“The darkness that surrounds us cannot hurt us. It is the darkness in your own heart you should fear.”

The saga continues next week… As always, thanks for reading 🙂 <– Eclipse ready!

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