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One Way Ticket

Terra Date: September 15, 2022    |   By being_human

This is a story that many have told. It touches every life eventually. Circumstances may differ but the result is always the same. There is the struggle that precedes the leaving. This is the first chapter in our race to find peace within the dying.

I’ve been quite busy the last few months caring for my mother.

With each passing day I struggle a bit more with our reality. She’s not getting any better. She sits deeply nested within herself and the high walls she has built over the years. Ears closed and eyes fixed on Family Feud as the days pass without clear meaning or memory. A deep well of loss and fear swirl upon the surface of her face. Those eyes that once had the power to see straight into me can now only gaze in wide-eyed confusion at a life that is drifting away.

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Formidable Beauty

Terra Date: December 15, 2021    |   By being_human

Today, I will write what it is on my heart. Where I currently reside there is a biting chill in the air as we experience our first snowfall of the season. This chill is not unfamiliar to me as its presence arrived long before winter crept in to blanket us with its formidable beauty. Society has been shivering in fear of one form or another for nearly two years now…

As Christmas draws near we all find ourselves in a time fraught with uncertainty and weariness. It rubs up against us like coarse sand paper until we are raw and bleeding. I see it everywhere – these wounds that go untreated and unnoticed as we shuffle past one another in a desperate attempt to navigate this strange landscape. We are told it is “this” when we know it is not “this” but “that”. Lies have infected our minds as we aid the enemy in its war against us. We dare not speak any truths in public for the spell that was cast seems to have turned all words upside down and inside out.  Read More →


Terra Date: October 13, 2021    |   By being_human

No, I’m not going to prattle on about Bill Gates. Well, maybe just a little bit. It’s just that smug mug, and what it represents to me, just happens to work as a good Truth-Tees segue.

I do wonder why he has been so quiet lately. Well, he is a farmer now. His anointed role as King of Corona would naturally lead to a massive purchase of farmland. It doesn’t seem strange at all, for, what is a king without the exertion of total control over the food supply?

Remember that silly little interview gaffe when he described the vaccine as the “final solution” and the only way to end the pandemic? Or that adorable excited smirk on his face as he described how his philanthropic organization jabs African children with “genetically modified organisms” and “we’re injecting them into little kids arms – shoot ’em right into the vein”. What a selfless man, giving away millions and making billions in return. The rotten eugenics fruit doesn’t fall too far from the family tree.  Read More →

Six Steps

Terra Date: September 22, 2021    |   By being_human

six stepsSix feet of space. Six degrees of separation. Six steps to communism. Are we digging our own graves?

This video was recorded impromptu at a Idaho Freedom Rally. Please listen to this woman’s story as she recounts her life under Communism, her harrowing escape, and her dire warning to American’s and freedom loving people everywhere – this is not about a virus. We are foolishly acquiescing to communism/technocracy/medical apartheid and abandoning our freedoms under the guise of covidism and climate alarmism.  Read More →

Dances with Fools

Terra Date: July 4, 2021    |   By being_human

dances with fools

What shall we call our current state of affairs? We seem to be unwitting props and unpaid extras in a real-time film noir. Let’s call it… “Dances with Fools” in homage to filmographies epic American Western of similar name.

The stars of this production are both known and unknown to us. They are the faces in front of the camera repeating their lines for profit and of those writing the script, selecting locations, and orchestrating the timeline of events. With each closing of the curtain they count their profits and plan the next play. They survey their success and laugh themselves silly at the gullible masses – so predictable, so easily directed, and unbelievably obedient.  Read More →


Terra Date: June 14, 2021    |   By being_human

commentI had an interesting, or rather, a troubling comment arrive from a family member over this post about exploring the mRNA shots. The post was my attempt to sift through all the information available and try to understand this untested novel technology as it rolled out under the cover of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) order.

Their warp speed plan to inject the masses post haste with a concoction that had no prior proven safety record  (read: “trust the science“) was quite concerning to me. It seemed prudent to investigate and, if unusual or questionable discoveries arose, share those findings as a warning to those that would listen. Unfortunately, most of the people I tried to reach did not hear.  Read More →

Six Years

Terra Date: May 12, 2021    |   By being_human

six yearsDad! What’s it been… six years now? I really miss you. The last time we spoke I was living in Idaho. I was there only a year when I got the call I dreaded – it was time for you to leave us. We all knew it was coming but when it does – the knowing doesn’t help one damn bit. There were times, on one of my visits back home, that our goodbye’s seemed to carry the heaviness of our hearts like a fearsome rain cloud. Knowing that one day the storm would come and the rain would cause the dams to break.

Looking back, I can see how life’s mishaps and struggles all serve a purpose. Although difficult in the moment, the complex dove-tailing of individual events are in reality precise formulations. A necessary medicine to bring forth healing when properly amalgamated or continued self deception when not taken as prescribed.  Read More →

A Mom’s Life

Terra Date: April 23, 2021    |   By being_human

life a mom's lifeMother’s Day is upon us and this year I decided to share my thoughts about this calendar honored day. This isn’t going to be a sugary one-dimensional tribute. My mom, she has her flaws and foibles and she never pretends otherwise.  In my estimate, though, she more than compensates for it with an inner beauty I have yet to find in another person. To me, she is one of a kind.

Over the course of my life she has remained consistent and solid in her support. We share a deep connection – as if held together by an unbreakable tether that only she and I know about. We have an understanding at the heart level where there exists an unwavering peace and unconditional love. My gratitude for this relationship is immeasurable and difficult to put into words.  Read More →

Essential Me

Terra Date: April 12, 2021    |   By being_human

essentialThere’s a lot of talk about what qualifies as essential these days. The re-framing of language has led to much confusion in the ranks. Let’s keep it simple. You are essential. I am essential. We are intelligent beings capable of incalculable goodness and great works if we could just learn to trust ourselves and the Light that burns within us. And, although we seem to be flopping around like fish on dry land – I want to believe… no, I have to believe that we can navigate our way through these dark waters.

In the meantime, as we drop anchor in our chosen port, there is confusion, distrust and weariness. We witness people no longer capable of keeping their emotions in check. It doesn’t matter what “side” you choose – there is a sense of madness that manifests in the air around us.   Read More →

Green Light District

Terra Date: March 31, 2021    |   By being_human

green light

Salina stands anxiously on the corner as she waits for the cross-walk signal to flash the all clear sign. She has been walking this circuit since she was a child without incident or injury. Even when there are no cars on the road, no danger, she prefers to walk out of her way in order to cross at the light – it’s safer that way. As pedestrians and good citizens, we are trained to walk when the light flashes “walk” and to wait when the light flashes “don’t walk”. It’s gloriously simple – respond as directed, green light means go, stay on the black and white striped path and all will be well.   Read More →