
Terra Date: October 28, 2019  |  By

word magnetOne of my favorite creative pastimes is sitting down with a pile of word magnets. I sort them into categories – nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. Once everything is categorized and organized I choose a word that speaks to me, in this case “question”, and the sentences start taking shape. Surprisingly, they always seem to form an inspirational message. Perhaps it is my subconscious having found a way to communicate above the noise of the world?

This creative writing practice really allows the mind to open as you can only work within a set limit of available word magnets. You never know where it will lead as it unwinds and builds upon itself. I find the whole process very relaxing and rewarding as it often helps me find clarity in dealing with perplexing relationship situations. It also provides a creative avenue to come up with unique song writing ideas.


Question: The church is only a soft echo of truth. Your heart must be broken to be open. Hear the mystery speak from within; its lovely whisper like an unseen dream but not a dream. It murmurs, be silent and know that I am here. The darkness will come but I will light up your dark night. Make friends with your old knowing soul. Forgive every torment and receive mercy without measure. Strike fear from your bones and don’t forget who you are and why you have come.

Thanks for reading and remember – there is no peace without forgiveness.

“Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship.” – Denzel Washington

3 Replies to “Question”

  1. Catchadragon says:

    Nicely put

    Kali Yuga is the fire

    We are the stick and her kindling

    As the Mother brews her Cauldron

    Jai Kali MA Kali MA Kali

    1. being_human says:

      Thank you so much! Kali Yuga indeed! Blessings to you friend. May we all find peace in the chaos.

  2. being_human says:

    Feb 2022: Looking back at this post now… It would seem I was preparing myself for change. The last two years have forced me to enter dark places within myself that reflect what was to happen on the outside. To face my weakness and spiritual lethargy; for if I had not I would have most likely joined most of family in “getting along to go along”. Laced up tight by the false imagery and idolatry driven fear worship. I suspect this year will be a time of “fire” both internally and externally as much of the world is finally waking up to the demonic plot that has to play out. Much love to you all.

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