Novel Poet

Terra Date: June 20, 2020  |  By

novel poetThis is my latest word magnet poem “Novel Poet”. A palette of my colorful thoughts on the current state of affairs surrounding the “pandemic” and the war of words that I feel are designed to create a viral chaos of the mind and soul. You may read this and think I have taken the last bus to crazy town or it might make you consider taking a broader view of what may be occurring instead.

Initially, I watched the drama unfold and searched for unequivocal evidence to support the rampant fear. It was, admittedly, a roller coaster of confusing twists and turns at first. However, it didn’t take long before the tracks led to the dark rooms of disinformation. The impact on me personally? I have begun to sense a Spiritual shift – an outward contraction and an inward expansion of Self awareness. This is the only movement that will receive my full attention as I believe that is what we are all being called to do.

novel poet

Novel Poet: The jester makes a fortune on the black screen speaking poison and half truth. Through every vulgar curse falls a bitter kiss. Herein fear will deceive your heart. For an evil micro villain has arrived and with it much confusion, mourning and pain. They would have us believe we can do nothing but cover our face – be silent, be unseen, yield your space – head down, eyes cold. See me only as a cloud of deadly ether. There is no tale more loathsome than to torment people with mortal dread. Program you to hide in the darkness – the dungeon of virtue – lucky to be alive. As power drunk figures collapse the planet and our lives.

The Spell

This chaotic mess of words, once jumbled but now aligned, gives dimension and clarity to the conversation between the heart and the mind. And to me, symbolizes how we must learn to recognize the power of words. They can cast a spell and keep us in a confined space of confusion or they can set us free. It is up to us to recognize that we are at a tipping point and humanity can embrace “transhumanism or man as machine” or we can cut through the spell, reengage our human spirit, and work from a foundation of Love – as was meant to be. We can’t get there if society remains polarized and paralyzed by fear – of illness, of others and of ourselves. How easy it has been to convince people to unquestioningly obey “health” guidelines (in some places mandates) that are so antithetical to maintaining physical and mental wellness.

We can do this… So let us rise – with LOVE over hate. Thanks for reading…

9 Replies to “Novel Poet”

  1. being_human says:

    Jan 2022: Looking back at this post now… I was so hopeful that my family would hear these words – my words – and defy the madness that closed in around us. As of today, half of my family have fallen victim to this lie. They have been captured and they have no idea, as of yet, how it will affect their health (and there bodily autonomy) in the years to come. It saddens me but I have had to accept that we all had a choice to make in this life, at this time, and it will unwind as it must now. Much love to you all.

  2. Julia Dobrucki says:

    This is what stood out for me.

    “symbolizes how we must learn to recognize the power of words”.

    We have seen how words are used and twisted into a web of lies but also seen the simplicity of a loving word reach into the heart and change lives. I choose the latter.

    1. being_human says:

      Our thoughts and words determine our lives. They carry a frequency that can wound or heal. I choose the latter too. Heart your comment!

  3. Christy Runnion says:

    The line that stood out most to me was this – There is no tale more loathsome than to torment people with mortal dread.

    Now to develop concrete ways of rising in unity with LOVE over hate, because I have children to instruct on how to navigate these turbulent waters.

    1. being_human says:

      That line was a light bulb moment for me too. Did you happen to watch the music video? I can’t get enough of the song “Iron Sky”. Yes, those precious ones that need all of us to rise up and fight for their future. <3 you.

  4. Julie Douglass says:

    Wow! Very creative writing – poetry is a great way to express thoughts and feelings, isn’t it?

    1. being_human says:

      Hey Julie! Poetry… words. They really help me through the day. I know you understand this sentiment very well :). Love!

  5. KEV says:

    Your getting it on a deeper level. Deep inside the rabbit hole is witchcraft and the occult spreading MASSIVE lies throughout the airwaves and Social Media platforms. The good people of this world have a very powerful weapon to destroy this poison, it is called prayer. I use the rosary in prayer and sometimes I just stop and pray from the heart. If you really stand back and SEE, you can see that people are choosing to divide in two groups, most people are good and they do not want to see human life destroyed, the other side are going all the way in there vile sins, they have dug in and are raising their fists at GOD. TIME IS UP, time is up on these wicked people, GOD has cried out to them for many years they WILL NOT CHANGE, a clean sweep of judgment will now hit areas of the USA that have the most wickedness in them, so be ready for this and do not let it put you in shock, these events must happen.

    1. being_human says:

      For sure, humanity is extremely polarized. I am just trying to maintain my balance and hold strong to Truth. The power brokers have sadly been too successful with their phase 1 campaign against humanity. As has been true of “war” in the past, humanity as a whole is too slow to comprehend that the devil is at their door.

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