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Trading out a life of convention for a life of creativity, autonomy, and curiosity. Visit our Blog Tag Cloud page for posts by related topic.
Novel Poet
This is my latest word magnet poem “Novel Poet”. A palette of my colorful thoughts on the current state of affairs surrounding the “pandemic” and the war of words that I feel are designed to create a viral chaos of the mind and soul. You may read this and think I have taken the last bus to crazy town or it might make you consider taking a broader view of what may be occurring instead. Read More →
Her name was Louise…
It was my first real job and Louise was assigned the task of training me. She was a no-nonsense woman in her mid fifties and she found me amusing – in a good tempered way. As I access the memories I can clearly see her face. The sideways smile, high cheek bones, and soft laugh in her deep brown eyes. She decided, in addition to teaching me my responsibilities, that she would also teach me about what it means to be Black in America. Read More →
Virus Interruptus
This post has been a long time coming. When the world was seized by an invisible irrepressible foe it paralyzed my desire to write. A strange new war had developed. It sent my thoughts sideways in an attempt to understand the full gravity of the situation. Our plans to sell our home and hit the road in search of adventure and renewal had evaporated over night. We had to scramble in this new confusion to reassemble the pieces. It now seems there is another plan in play. One that we did not have a colored box for on our decision tree. Now what? Read More →
I, Woman
It’s the month of March and, apparently, it’s time for us all to celebrate the successful woman. Specifically, this is defined as women who are leaders of industry or some other category of wealth and respectability. Truly I say, bravo to these women who have worked so hard to reach their goals and find their way to the top of the success food chain. They managed to successfully recognize and pursue their aspirations – it is their personal victory.
Dare I praise a woman’s life that is seemingly the opposite? One that the above definition would not applaud? Read More →
Leap Day!
It’s leap day and boy did we take a leap! The long wait for the arrival of our new “home” on wheels for a year – is over.
There she sits in the driveway – all 21 feet of her – looking much larger than we envisioned. The bright white body with black trim is sharp and simple. The altered teardrop design, lending itself to improved aerodynamics, gives it not only a functional edge over the typical box frame but is visually pleasing as well. It sits on a custom made chassis of tubular steel with a lightweight aluminum frame and seamless fiberglass roof. Read More →
Empty Spaces
I’ve been thinking. We have too much stuff and it’s such a burden! When did this epiphany hit me?
I’d like to say this revelation came to me while I was riding high in my financial comfort zone – but it didn’t. My thoughts on the matter were always pushed back into the “some other time” file in my head. It didn’t magnify in my mind until we found ourselves struggling financially due to job loss. Isn’t that always the way? Read More →
Fear of the Known
I learned this evening that sometimes we fear the known as much as the unknown.
After a busy day off running errands and working on this site a bit, I stood in the kitchen, knife in hand, cutting fresh veggies for a big salad for Erin and I. Pangur sat at my feet, as is his modus operandi when either one of us is in the kitchen, occasionally meowing for more food. Read More →
When the Bluebird Sings
My older sister, she and I, we have a connection that cannot be broken. When I was a child and into my adulthood I used to feel that she didn’t understand me. Every word I heard from her seemed to weave a message of doubt, fear, and disapproval. Was I really that stupid? She was just a child herself stumbling through her own confusion. Growing up is such a mess but it can be a beautiful mess. Read More →
Let’s Make a Deal
Let’s make a deal! I don’t know about you but the process of buying and selling big ticket items is not a favorite pastime of mine. Despite this squeamishness we successfully sold our TaB travel trailer and it was pretty painless.
Selling high dollar items is always a bit tense. The buyer, understandably, can’t be sure about what they are going to purchase in the span of fifteen minutes. You can walk through it, ask questions, but can you Read More →
Preparing the Tow Vehicle
Does our Nissan Frontier have what it takes? We thought we needed to purchase a new tow vehicle to haul our 21′ LG Max travel trailer (ETA end of February!) but here’s what we did instead.
Our first order of business was to get our 2006 Nissan Frontier Crew Cab LE 2WD thoroughly inspected by our mechanic and get some minor repairs done. That ended up costing us a wee bit more than we bargained for but it had to be done and we’re grateful for it. Our mechanic also assured us that the truck is in very good condition for its age and could handle the new trailer – phew! Read More →