2020 Vision

Terra Date: December 3, 2019  |  By

2020 trust god but tie up your horseWe are soon to be entering the year 2020. I have always fancied that 2020 would be a time for big change – in THE world and in OUR world. You know that space we create for ourselves with each choice we make, day in and day out. Where we try to find balance and resolutions in the things that are but also managing all the incoming lobs thrown at us from the outside – the stuff we never asked for but have to dodge, catch, or let it hit us square. Sometimes, even when you see it coming, you just have to prepare for the hit and absorb it as best you can without breaking. The key is to keep moving forward with love and intention.

For a long time I have struggled with the conventions of this life. Do this and don’t do that. Throw your own capacity for logic and thinking under the bus because rules are rules. To survive you must lobotomize and excise certain areas of your thought life. At least, that is how it seems to me. It’s time to find my senses again. There is a saying that goes “Trust God… but tie up your horse.” So, we will tie up our horse and line things up before we take our leap of faith.

I recall one of the notes my dad left behind for his loved ones to find. It was of a serious nature in which he contemplates his own mortality and ends with these words:

“There seems to be a built in hatred in humans. How important are things? You are better off giving them away while you are still alive. Where is that point of pain when you make a decision? I want a cookie.”

You may be asking yourself where I am going with this. To be more precise, we are transitioning our life from what is known and comfortable but financially unsustainable in the long run to what is unknown and possibly uncomfortable but a better fit for our future. At least, that is the gamble we are taking. The plan goes something like this… sell the house, sell most of our things,  take off for a year in our truck and trailer, wait for the real estate market to bust (because it always does) and buy a small piece of property we can afford without a mortgage. Doesn’t sound too bad, right? This is our “cookie”. We’ve made our decision.

It isn’t all about the money… it is about creating more time to learn, to grow, to pursue our creative endeavors and visiting dear family, friends, and places we long to see. We have been stagnant and living in the house of status quo for far too long now. It’s time to get the body, heart, and mind moving in a healthier direction and flow before it rebels in protestation at the lack of attention we have given it through the years. There is so much more to life in this life. Seek and you shall find. What we will find in our travels and in ourselves is anyone’s guess but we are certain action is better than inaction. Ignite that inner God particle. Let the journey begin!

So this is our 2020 vision – to stay focused and keep our eyes on the prize. We wish you the very best this Christmas and in the New Year to come! Thanks for reading and remember you are the author of your own story.

One Reply to “2020 Vision”

  1. being_human says:

    Feb 2022: Looking back at this post now… At the time of writing this post I had no idea just how BIG the changes would be in 2020. “Sometimes, even when you see it coming, you just have to prepare for the hit and absorb it as best you can without breaking. The key is to keep moving forward with love and intention.” It’s time to face the reality of this situation – it’s time to stop stuffing our face’s with cookies (i.e., distractions and hopium) and face the music. Get right with your life and stop lying to yourself… I pray you acknowledge the deception and the part you played that gave it its power – before we pass the point of no return. Much love to you.

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