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Trading out a life of convention for a life of creativity, autonomy, and curiosity. Visit our Blog Tag Cloud page for posts by related topic.
From childhood I was drawn, as if by magic, to the beauty of sound. It was intoxicating and intuitively I must have understood its healing nature. Unaware that my body had its own frequency, I was always humming and singing, making up melodies and playing with the pitch of my voice. It made me happy and calm and so very present in that moment – I was free. The worries about the bully at school, the dysfunction at home, and the darkness in the world didn’t exist when I was enveloped in the vibration of sound. Read More →
Health Freedom
I couldn’t sleep last night. The clock on the wall seemed more than happy to have company as it announced each hour that was passing – 1am… 2am… I just could not reconcile what had happened today. Lines have been crossed. I have moved beyond sympathy for those that insist on infecting and controlling other people with their fear. As if fear is the new law and order. Where people’s feelings dictate and rule over another. I never signed up for this inverse abusive relationship. I never agreed to this – to give up my health freedom. Read More →
The Accuser
For the first time in my life I felt as if I had been thrown back to another time. A time not so long ago when people had to be careful about what they said in public (and private). To ensure they wore the proper symbol in obedience to public ordinances as they conducted their day to day lives. And to make sure their views on current events did not deviate from the “official” version promoted by the “experts”. We say we despise that time of human suffering… and yet we appear to have embraced it once again. Who is my accuser? Read More →
My Brother’s House
Once again, here I sit, but now I’m in a basement apartment at my brother’s house. I have cleaned it, reorganized and re-energized it – as is my modus operandi. Nothing much has changed from the life I left (as you can see) and yet everything has changed. Allow me to explain… Our adventure never really materialized, at least, not in the dreamy water color manner that we sketched out in our minds. After our initial glorious ten days of camping we realized a few things. Read More →
Great Awakening
The Great Awakening experienced in the 18th century sought to awaken people from the idea of secular rationalism as our connection as human beings to the spiritual life began to wane. The Age of Reason & Enlightenment had taken hold in Europe and made its way across the Atlantic to the colonies. These Great Awakenings interpreted this as a great threat to humanity and sought through tactics of fear to “rescue” humanity from it’s grip. People were free to pursue happiness and personal liberty in this new age. But the church was losing its grip as humankind began to see itself in this new light. Read More →
Rock of Ages
We got up early and had to scramble quickly. It was the first time sleeping in the rig (street side) and it was a rough night. At around 12am we were startled awake by the radio blaring Def Leppards’s “Rock of Ages“. Apparently, the alarm was defaulted to go off at that time. Ken bolted up and bumped his head on the sloped ceiling where the sleeping quarters reside. We laughed about that for a good while before getting back to a restless sleep. Read More →
Love Casts Out Fear
Hello everyone. I have not written much here of late – or at all really. Heh, and I consider myself a writer! However today I find I have a bit of “time out” due to babying a back issue. Long story short – I have several issues surrounding my lower back and of late, in addition to being out of alignment, my muscles have “chosen” to enter into a symphony of spasms that result in horrible nerve pain down my legs. Pain is definitely an awaken-er of souls. In this post I’d like to focus on the power of Love within community and how it can bring us all together. Read More →
Have you watched the “The Truman Show”? It was released in 1998 and twenty-two years later, this movie, that I once considered simple entertainment, is rife with meaning and message. I have oft considered movies to be a forerunner of intended truth that must be openly declared to receive divine permission before it can intersect “reality”. A primer or fair warning, of sorts, to the human entities it intends to influence. Read More →
Decision made. Life has been nothing but moving targets lately. Today, Ken decided to hand in his resignation at work. His last day with D&B Supply is July 12th. A belated “independence” day for us! It is a bit sooner than we had planned but we calculated that it was our best option under the current circumstances. Read More →
The month of June is almost at a close. As I sit and type I hear the rain coming down outside my open window. I love the rain – the way it sounds, looks and smells. I often just want to step into it, face up towards the heavens, and be still. Focus on the sound for it is a language all its own. The body becomes chilled – revving up the fire within to share the warmth, like an embrace, with the outer body – a simple act of love. But it also invigorates a sense of being in the moment – alive. Read More →