
Terra Date: June 14, 2021  |  By

commentI had an interesting, or rather, a troubling comment arrive from a family member over this post about exploring the mRNA shots. The post was my attempt to sift through all the information available and try to understand this untested novel technology as it rolled out under the cover of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) order.

Their warp speed plan to inject the masses post haste with a concoction that had no prior proven safety record  (read: “trust the science“) was quite concerning to me. It seemed prudent to investigate and, if unusual or questionable discoveries arose, share those findings as a warning to those that would listen. Unfortunately, most of the people I tried to reach did not hear.

To me, it is clear that anyone volunteering to take the jab is agreeing to be a test subject in what appears to be a very ritualistic act of faith over an illness so “deadly” that you have to be tested to know you are “sick”. You must also believe that death by COVid is a constant threat regardless of the observable opposite reality around you.

Com-ment-ology : n. The study of a statement of fact or opinion, especially a remark or comment that expresses a personal reaction or attitude. The deconstruction of discordant views that can be equally and endlessly argued; primarily driven by emotions and supported by selective data mining to reinforce ones inescapable bias.

source: me

The tone of the comment I received was so emotionally charged and personal that I chose not to post it to safeguard us both.

To be fair, the comment was clearly made in direct response to something I did that upset this individual.  I was then ridiculed for not posting said comment, presumably out of fear, as it supposedly destroyed my narrative and called me out for what I really am. Apparently, I am a warped looney and a closet practitioner of matricide. A dangerous charlatan that must be silenced. Why? Read on as the comment contains the answer.

We volleyed a few emails back and forth but the damage had been done and, regrettably, we have not spoken since. Does this sound at all familiar to any of you? Have you experienced similar “break-ups” as a result of spending too much time in Covidaville? I can’t say this particular relationship was rock solid before all of this happened. Communications only really began six years ago after our father died. Now it seems, the relationship was superficial at best.

My reason for posting this comment publicly, and in this manner, is to demonstrate how media/government/pharma sponsored propaganda has successfully pitted family against one another by constructing a global mass psychosis via nefarious abusive practices in order to mind control the public.

The techniques are simple and effective and, with enough repetition, work their way into a person’s core like worms devouring an apple. They change language and definitions, deify science, use wildly inaccurate simulation modeling, shut down scientific experts via censorship and intimidation, coerce and bribe medical professionals, threaten physical violence and financial ruin, suspend civil liberties, and promote a campaign of fear 24/7. 

“A priest is a man who disseminates little lies in defence of a great truth and a scientist is a man who disseminates little truths in defence of a great lie.” – C.S. Lewis

The following is the complete comment removing only the name of the author.

Note: I added links to counter the assertions being made. If at this time you find yourself honestly feeling punch drunk from all the madness then I strongly encourage you to follow the links. Make of it what you will but at the end of the day, no matter which “team” you choose, we are all in the same bucket of chum. This is the true meaning of the smarmy “we are in this together” groupthink messaging. 

I don’t care how much bullshit you want to throw down here.

ONE HUNDRED MILLION people have now been vaccinated for COVID-19 without a single fatality.

To achieve herd immunity without a vaccine would have been tantamount to a death sentence for approximately 2 million Americans rather than the 540,000 that have already succumbed to the disease.

And BTW, masks have worked to prevent transmission as well.

FACT ALERT: Cases of influenza and hospitalization and death due to influenza are down by over 50% this flu season. Why?

Because masks and social distancing works, you dumbfucks!!!

But don’t look at the proof. Don’t look at the evidence. Just hang on to your fears and your paranoia and decide how OTHER people should live their lives as if everyday could be their last.

What is most shameful is how you poisoned the mind of your own mother and put her at unnecessary risk. She will have to wait a little longer to see her children and grandchildren or be with her small group of friends and her church community because you sold her a bill of goods.

She doesn’t have a lot of time left on this Earth and, if your whacko theories take root, will have robbed her (and us) of valuable time that would bring comfort to her and to her family (the ones that actually take care of her).

Are you so blind to your ideology that you cannot see that you are cutting yourself off from the humanity you seek?

Shame on you!!!!

I have been quiet and respectful of the loonies in my life, but no longer. The gloves are off. It’s time to fight for what is right. I cannot be passive in the face of lunacy and warped thinking.

I wish you well, but if our mother should contract this disease and winds up dying alone, I will never forgive you.

I came not to bring peace, but a sword!

Your *** in Christ,

[name withheld]

I have accepted that there is little chance that what I write here will affect the reader that has taken an immovable stance against any opposing information. Nonetheless, what do you think of this disturbing dystopian power play. In countries, such as the UK and Australia, they are recruiting COVid marshals with contracts that are open ended and may extend to the year 2023. What do they do? Well, they keep us all safe by walking around and inserting themselves in our business to tell us what to do and if we don’t do it they will call the police, for our safety, to make sure that we do as we are told.

You still think this is about a virus? Do you still want to pretend these measures are for our health? Clearly, “The Pandemic” play isn’t finished because they are following a script and they are the actors and agents of its implementation. You see examples of this everywhere as politicians, celebrities, sports figures, all of them say one thing and do another. When called out on breaking “the rules” they say “oops” and there are no fines and no threats and interestingly, no deaths in this cohort. A deadly virus indeed…

The arguments with family caught me off guard and singed my heart as I am sure it did theirs.

However, learning and living with the raw truth is preferable to dancing with elephants in a musty dark room as we smile politely whilst choking on the nauseating fumes of distrust. Eventually, our carefully chosen words crowd the space and trip all over themselves. We awkwardly pretend that nothing is the matter as the relationship takes on the insipid quality of white bread. That is not a relationship – that is dead space with no sustenance.

Frankly, I am glad our guarded thoughts were set free. Only then can the room be cleared and the relationship evolve (if pursued) as it should. The secret burdens now released so that real communication may enter freely and tend to the healing process. Being in a perpetual state of contention is not what I want… the search for the bridge to reconciliation continues.

“Do-Nut Obey” Shop our Merch!

The great Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn aptly observed that “We know they’re lying, they know they’re lying, they know that we know they’re lying, we also know that they know that we know they’re lying, but they STILL LIE.”

Should I be ashamed of myself for not conforming, obeying, and submitting? For opening my mouth and daring to challenge the doctor, the academic, the business owner, the family member, and the public sector official? Why is there absolutely no room for debate? Why does the public at large prefer censorship and shut downs? To deny any discourse is an infantile and shady response that casts an even longer shadow of suspicion over this perpetual no man’s land.

Interesting how the government hides in plain sight by speaking out of both its northerly and southerly orifices. They seem to say, we will not violate the right of persons that do not wish to partake in this experiment, however, we have a silent agreement with businesses to allow them to freely violate your rights on our behalf. Businesses in compliance with these illegal measures will be protected from prosecution and continue to receive tax payer funded monetary compensation for their “sacrifice” to enslave, I mean, save humanity.

I see many beginning to breathe a sigh of relief in the belief that this nightmare is nearing an end with free jabs and restrictions (in the US) being lifted in many places. Let’s not fool ourselves. There is change coming that cannot be halted but it can be altered if we can unite and support each other. In that vein, here is a link to freedom loving businesses across the nation.

The shop signs have changed and now read “No mask required IF you are fully vaccinated”.

What kind of creatures are we exactly? The move to shut down all normal human activity came all too easily. How? Our survival skills and intuition were shut down first. Our minds numbed out through the steady patience of years and a self prescribed drip line of addiction to digital brain candy and deference to authority that has rotted our neural and spiritual connections. We are now so domesticated that we don’t even know we’re in trouble. That is how this charade has been allowed to go as far as it has.

You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul. – Mahatma Gandhi

At present, we are allowed to ignore these signs but this seemingly benign entrance statement will lead to mandating this crude elixir in order to function in society. No? You don’t think so? They have used every coercive measure in the book – deceit, shame, bribery, insults, lies, force – whatever it takes! They want every person on the planet to get this shot. Why? Does this not raise any red flags within you?

If we fail to recognize the deranged dog we are feeding we will have created a world of hurt and misery for our children and grandchildren – and so many generations to follow. This is an inescapable tipping point in humanities spiritual evolution

We must all leave the cave of dancing shadows and walk into the Light. This means not only recognizing the malevolent creatures in our midst but also the limitations imposed upon us by our current religious institutions. Have you noticed? Very few clergy have had the guts to stand up to the atrocious takeover of – not just the world – but of YOU. Instead, they have been disgustingly compliant in their pushing of guilt, shame, and scientism. Is this what Jesus the Christ would do? I think not.

Current events have identified the rotting appendages of our religious institutions. They are solidly material and have merged with the lies and corruption of the world having watered down and scrubbed the Truth of Christ’s words.

Choose which dog you feed very carefully. I have repeated these questions many times. Will you enable the carefully curated fear to control your destiny? Will you continue to abdicate your power to others? Will this rabid dog consume you?

As is my way, I find solace in working through conflict by utilizing my creativity.

The best tool I have is my soul language. It grounds me and opens my heart back up to beat at a higher frequency. Ever ready to embrace the love that has been purified by the trials of this life.


Am I dangerous
Am I crazy
With ideas that
make you shame me

My convictions
My suspicions
They unnerve you
Shake your virtue

You are righteous
You have slain me
With your vitriol
to enslave me

Do forgive me
If I don’t cry
When you cut me
and I don’t die

Do forgive me
if I don’t cry
The well of fear
it has run dry

Would you burn me
Light that fire
Burn the witch cast
upon the pyre

Preach your dogma
Obey your masters
Wear the badge of
wicked spell casters

Watch the TV
Feed your bias
Lick the boots of
all the liars


False affliction
where’s the room for

A dereliction
Self addiction
It’s no wonder
you threw me under

I grow stronger
I grow bolder
Gaining wisdom
as I get older


my heart breaking
New world order
in the making

Where’s the logic
Where’s the reason
the act of thinking
is this now treason

A contradiction
Straight up fiction
As the world waits
for revolution

do you hear the call
do you see the signs
it’s a battleground
over hearts and minds

Oh, do forgive me
If I don’t cry
You’re like a bird
that cannot fly

Do forgive me
If I don’t cry
You’ll never learn
to touch the sky

No, you’ll never learn
what not to buy

You’ll never learn
I wish I knew why

Oh, there is no life
if we’re not brave
Get off of your knees
and out of Plato’s cave

Oh, there is no life
if we’re not brave
Get off of your knees
and out of Plato’s cave

Get off of your knees
Before it’s all too late…

Lyrics by Erin Douglass

As this jab campaign continues, accompanied by “free” food, “free” tickets to entertainment venues, some civil liberties “returned” and million dollar lotteries(!) being offered to the “hesitant”… I have a question for you to ponder.

Does it make sense to inject a dying man with a “miracle vaccine” that can’t even prevent a COVid infection? This happened within my own family circle. A terminally ill man, given weeks to live, was injected with this material and promptly died a horrible death. This man was certainly going to die but did he really need to have his already ravaged and compromised body injected with a substance that would be of zero benefit to him and possibly/probably inflict worse trauma?

By now, if we haven’t buried our heads too deeply in the sands if disinformation, we have seen plenty of evidence that strongly links this shot with injury and death. No, you won’t find any pharmaceutical funded studies corroborating this claim and it seems fairly obvious why that would be the case.

If the thousands of souls all over the world that have been injured and/or died from this unnecessary intervention mixed with the disturbing push to force this experiment on children doesn’t twist your bowel in knots… honestly, I don’t know what will. This was never about a deadly virus. This was always about politics and an immoral global marketing campaign to deploy a novel suite of biologic technologies masquerading as vaccines. And, oh, so much more

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, “How do I know you won’t sting me?” The scorpion
says, “Because if I do, I will die too.”

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp “Why?”

Replies the scorpion: “Its my nature…”

Further, if you have already taken the shot it would understandably be too difficult to wrap your mind around this idea that it may have been a grave mistake.

You’ve planted their flag in your arm and the invading army that you have welcomed to displace your own army, or your immune system, will now take up residence and systematically destroy your terrain. Your sovereignty now capitulated both physically and psychically. The future of humanity now stands on a razors edge – the next wave of disinformation will come crashing in along with more tragedy in the years to come. A bleak statement to be sure and I definitely hope I am wrong.

I started this post by sharing a comment that I felt was a perfect example of a fear driven attack propagated by intentionally misleading psuedo-science. I made up the word “commentology” just to demonstrate how easy it is to manipulate language and also mock myself because the definition could easily be used against me. And that is exactly my point… we create our world and what I see differs vastly from what others see. We are zoo animals at this point… many walking into the cage and handing over the keys. I choose to be wild and free – I choose the life God made for me and not what man has made.

I don’t want to fight with you. I want you to fight alongside me. As someone I love dearly, that does not agree with me, has said “There is nothing new under the sun”. This is so true. I just wish they could pull back the curtain and see how much they really understand. If Love and Truth do not win – we all lose.

6 Replies to “Commentology”

  1. Sheri says:

    Your words really resonate with me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences . <3

    1. being_human says:

      I am happy to hear that. I know we all feel alone in this fight but we are not. We have much to learn from this experience and it is people like you that will lead the way. I pray for your continued strength and well-being. Much love!

  2. Pam B says:

    Adding a comment to ‘Comment.’ Great research and post. I am sorry about your sibling. Our family is also polarized about this.
    I, too, am wondering about the way this has all happened. Worldwide shutdown. Worldwide vaccinations with a new technology, unstudied for side effects and long term side effects, with no formal collection process in place for reporting side effects…I feel like we’re in the Twilight Zone and I wish, instead it was Back to the Future II, so we could see what the effects of this experimental shot are.
    Not wanting to be experimented on makes me selfish, uncaring, a virus spreader, a dumbfuck, etc etc. I’m sorry I choose not to get it now, but I still have the right to choose, and I’m choosing.
    I make medicinal ‘tea’ with alternative milk, chopped garlic cloves, chopped ginger root, turmeric, cinnamon, cayenne, apple cider vinegar and honey. Warm it on the oven and I drink for a day or two when I get a sore throat. Kicks butt. So far, so good! Thanks again, We’ve got this!

    1. being_human says:

      For some reason, I am just now seeing this comment!? At this stage, have you changed your mind? 😉 Me either. I feel like we are now in the deep denial stage of this thing. No one dare speak of the incessant illness and health problems of the injected. What’s the point? They will have to come to this knowledge themselves (if they ever do). I am seeing more people come to this realization – that they have been lied to. It’s a start. And we will be here to help them, not condemn them, as the scales of deception fall from their eyes.

  3. kevinfromheaven says:

    A little research will tell the bigger story on what the real intentions are with the vaccine push. Bottom line vaccines are poisons, this is the very reasons why after injections, you have people on there death beds, because of heart problems from the vaccine. It is so simple, vaccine poisons go into you, it ALL runs through the heart instantly , the heart swells because it is trying to protect itself from these foreign substances and many die from the vaccine injection, heart attacks. Many survive, but the vaccine damage is already done to the body, if more and more vaccines are given , because people are in love with modern man and there science control networks, then the human populations will die off , from all the damage done to the inside of the body. I choose not be speak to humans about these matters, I will take the wait and see approach, time will reveal everything, on how humanity is being duped, once again. In 1974 a vaccine experiment was given to me, back then people were unaware, what the modern man science was doing, I almost died because of this vaccine experiment. I have first hand experience, I felt the suffering, this is why, I do not trust these HELL BOUND modern man scientific people and if it were ever to get to forcing people to get vaccinated, IF that needle ever came close to me, I would rip it out of that persons hands and plunge it into that persons heart.
    This article is SPOT ON.

    1. being_human says:

      As many a holocaust survivor has stated “Why did we go so quietly?”. The intensity of your statement to protect yourself is something I understand – the world is in a state of madness and, like you, I refuse to normalize it.

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