
Terra Date: February 3, 2021  |  By

dreamsIt’s a new day. I say this every morning to myself in order to find the energy to get out of bed. Lately, my dreams are hardly distinguishable from my waking moments. Nothing makes much sense anymore. There’s just a heavy manufactured fog stinging my eyes with the tears of frustration and betrayal. Nonsense at every turn. It’s seeping into my dreams.

The other night I dreamt about a house full of people. A little girl appeared in front of me and told me I would retire in seven years, that another census was coming, and she was wondering if I was afraid. I told her I was not afraid because God would not abandon me.

The atmosphere changes and all the people vanish. It was then that I realized I was completely and utterly alone. The house was dark and almost everything had been removed and was in shambles. Nails protruding from the walls, relieved of their heavy burdens, with an air of seeming satisfaction in this act of liberation. I remember staring at those nails and the monochromatic scene around me. So many symbols but how will I remember them all? I began to search the house looking for other people – I found no one. Heart racing, panic setting in… my breathing now labored as I realized with disgust that I had a mask on my face. I ripped it off and tossed it to the floor like it was a poisonous viper. Frightened now – beseeching someone, anyone to hear me. Snap! Eyes open and my mind is racing and buried in grief.

Dreams Meaning

What does it all mean? Of course, I am the little girl and the house is my inner life. What is the significance of the word “retired”, “seven years” and “census”?

retired : definition : etymology

Withdrawn; secluded. “to retreat,” from French retirer “to withdraw (something) : Meaning “to withdraw” to some place, especially for the sake of privacy.

number seven : in dreams

“Seeing the number 7 in a dream or vision is a sign of success and triumph. The angel number 7 dream meaning revolves around forging ahead and climbing up the ladder of perfection through knowledge and wisdom. This number indeed means that you’ve matured spiritually after a long span of the learning cycle.”

“The 7 often comes in dreams as a reassuring sign of divine presence, so if you’ve been looking for one, you got it.”

“Dreaming of the number Seven is a very spiritual number that connects us to our inner self, protection, death and rebirth.  What needs to be spiritually healed in your life, to be grounded to reach a higher conscious plane.  A need to focus on meditation so the old ways die for the new to come through.  Seven circles form the symbol called “The Seed of Life”.  Connected to the energy chakras the seven colors of the rainbow as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Also depending on the dream it could be linked to the 7 deadly sins humans possess connected to our shadow archetype.”

census : definition : etymology

An official, usually periodic enumeration of a population, often including the collection of related demographic information : “to assess” to judge the worth, importance, etc, of; evaluate.

Let’s break it down. To retire is to “retreat” or “withdraw” to a place. Perhaps this has a dual meaning. To retreat within the Self and rest in the knowing that God has me in his house at all times – secured. Possibly, an indication also that we will find a place to call our own – a secluded place where we can build something special – a retreat.

It’s odd to dream in numbers and usually serves as a call to attention. Seven is a highly spiritual number in many faiths. The message may be that I must die to self to be reborn or “born again”. Die to the old ways and rebuild. Recognizing the full spectrum of light and absorb its healing energies to create new potential outcomes. It will be a seven year journey… and, to always beware of the selfish and irascible side of my human nature or ego.

Deciphering the word census is a little more difficult. Could this be telling me that we will move to a new community and in the process we should not be naive. Due diligence is required in order to judge and evaluate the situation with wisdom and a pure heart. Apparently, according to my little voice, this might take place “next year”, so 2022.

Other Side

There may be a dark side to these code words. The world may have changed so drastically that the power brokers require another count of their domesticated human flock having transferred us to different locations. That, in seven years time we won’t recognize society as we once knew it. Being retired could refer to an end to self autonomy and independence of the individual. When she asked me if I was afraid I responded in full faith that God would not abandon me. As I searched the empty house full of shadows, looking for any signs of life, my fear got the best of me. What invisible thread anchors me to this inertia? This false sense of comfort in what is known versus what could be? Honestly, my intuition tells me this dark future will not be the case – this will not be our future.


The mosaic message of dreams is always a cryptic mural of symbolism. Obviously, a mirror of my own life – all the uncertainty creating fear of an unknown future surrounded by fetid chaos. The facade of my life painted over with the thoughts and rules of people in high places. A call to action, to rip the smothering lies that oppress my senses (the mask) and leave the dark and empty structure behind. There is nothing there for me. Admittedly, I failed the test of faith. The correct response would have been to leave the empty house behind for it was a dead zone and of no further use to me. Indeed, life has always been a dream within a dream. Will I find the courage to rebuild?

Haunted Houses

I don’t know why I felt led to share this dream. Perhaps many of you feel as I do? Like you are living in a broken down house that isn’t fit to live in. At some point the illusion of this life, all the things we thought were true, must dissolve leaving us alone with our true Self. Stumbling towards the light – in a gut wrenching effort to understand life’s true purpose. How do we stay on our feet as the world continues to wobble like a drunken monkey? As we watch pathetic politicians behave like vicious psychopaths and all manner of media outlets shamelessly spreading propaganda and denying “privileges” to people they don’t like because it threatens them. More accurately, it threatens the secrets they hide within their own dark and haunted houses.

Do dreams have meaning? Carl Jung saw dreams as “the psyche’s attempt to communicate important things to the individual, and he valued them highly, perhaps above all else, as a way of knowing what was really going on. Dreams are also an important part of the development of the personality – a process that he called individuation.”

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

I do believe more people of the world are beginning to come to their senses – they are waking up to the long con. Our betters didn’t think we had it in us. In every generation there are those that instinctively understand what’s at stake. We are considered foolhardy and troublemakers fighting against imaginary foes. It’s as old as recorded history – this tug of war between the dark and the light. It will be rough going this year but the fools and troublemakers will hold the line because we have no other choice.

Our only income is our shop so I’m going to plug it here. We just added some new designs that will hopefully lend a hand in supporting your voice. There is a 20% off sale starting on 02/04! Also, if you have a design idea please contact us and we can make you a custom Truth Tee!

Cheers and thanks for reading!

One Reply to “Dreams”

  1. KEVIN LEBECK says:

    Military in control. You must walk through a little darkness, to see the light. This foe IS being defeated, when it is finished, those who see and have planned for this restructuring of America, will be the trail blazers.

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