Dances with Fools
What shall we call our current state of affairs? We seem to be unwitting props and unpaid extras in a real-time film noir. Let’s call it… “Dances with Fools” in homage to filmographies epic American Western of similar name.
The stars of this production are both known and unknown to us. They are the faces in front of the camera repeating their lines for profit and of those writing the script, selecting locations, and orchestrating the timeline of events. With each closing of the curtain they count their profits and plan the next play. They survey their success and laugh themselves silly at the gullible masses – so predictable, so easily directed, and unbelievably obedient.
All of the cue cards are up at every business and public space preparing your mind for the next step.
This is how the world operates. A colossal theater with signs and cues fastened to every entry and exit point that exists not only in our physical world – but in our minds. Add to this the incalculable links in the chains of Government legislation and, suddenly, absolute dominion over an individual’s thoughts and actions become a feasible reality.
The threats are all out in the open now. Forced experimental medical intervention will be required in exchange for goods and services. The tell-a-vision providing our prompts inculcating and commanding our thoughts. How many “variants” do we have now? Twenty? Oh my, are you afraid? Lauded professionals from all over the world and from every sector of science have requested an open dialogue with the Government appointed experts to no avail. They are met with job loss, censorship, and smear campaigns. How is this passing the sniff test for y’all? These cowards are the people you are trusting with your life.
The latest person to step up and risk his livelihood and reputation by pulling back the COVid curtain is Dr. Robert Malone. He appears to be a science warrior with a conscience and, ahem, possibly the actual inventor of mRNA vaccination. How far does this rabbit hole go? Should you dismiss his expertise? Spoiler alert… he actually took the mRNA jab. It’s a mystery to me why he did this but he is a practical man. Based on his knowledge of the technology he rationalized the risk. And that is his point – that there are serious risks and this is being hidden from the public. Before you become a test subject you should have full disclosure – informed consent.
This drama-tragicomedy has all the plot twists and predictive outcomes one could expect from a controlled demolition.
The proper and precise placement of explosive misinformation can erode and destroy the foundation of a people and bring the whole house crashing down upon their heads. A freefall force brought on by bad judgement and misguided consent.
In our case, “the people” have been declared unsafe and must be taken down in order to pave the way for progress so an even greater concentration of wealth. power and control can be further distilled into the hands of the few. The truth? There is no pandemic and the healthy are not secretly sick. This is pseudoscience nonsense! We are simply commodities on a global stock exchange that is crumbling and needs a hard reset – our value has expired and so too must we. It’s time to pump and dump, as they say, but this time the scheme is far more sinister.
Can a comparison be made between the actions of Government today and the assimilation/removal policies enacted against the Native Americans? I don’t know exactly but I’m going to give it a try.
The golden rule of all usurpers is to – lie, lie bigger, then lie some more. From this original sin flows unchallenged Government deception, a pretense of benevolence to disguise its treachery, armies of peace keepers attacking populations for the “greater good”, promises made and broken, forced migrations, coercion through incentives, and intentional spread of disease to cripple and erase an entire people. This rolls down hill as easily as a mudslide on a burned out, rain soaked mountainside – it covers and smothers everything in its path.
Let’s begin…
“Could it not be contrived to send the Small Pox among those disaffected tribes of Indians? We must on this occasion use every stratagem in our power to reduce them.”
Source: The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada
When looking back to gaze forward we find that the term progress seems to inherently prescribe a dis-empowering of others in order to achieve its goals. The goals of the past are not much different than the goals of the present. A violent shaking or a pulling up by the roots of a way of life that no longer serves the hierarchy of the day. Simplistically stated, the great expansion of 1800’s America required a “final solution” to sweep what remained of the unwanted population out of the way and into reservations or pseudo self governed isolation camps. A separation of peoples based on utility and ideology.
Can it not be said that what we are experiencing today is the same circus under a different tent?
We know that the dealings between our Government and Native Tribes may have had some men of good intention but in the end they were used to advance an agenda that they did not fully understand. In the preceding decades there were countless treaties and promises all of which were eventually reneged upon. The tribal leaders were told a great many things and there was much talk of peace and better quality of life but as time marched on the needs of a rapacious few changed the course of the many.
“I have no motive, my friends, to deceive you. Circumstances that cannot be controlled, and which are beyond the reach of human laws, render it impossible that you can flourish in the midst of a civilized community… You have but one remedy within your reach. And that is, to remove to the west… And the sooner you do this, the sooner you will commence your career of improvement and prosperity.“
“The present policy of the Government is but a continuation of the same progressive change by a milder process. The tribes which occupied the countries now constituting the Eastern States were annihilated or have melted away to make room for the whites.”
“Build a fire under them, and when it gets hot enough, they’ll move.”
-Andrew Jackson
In the above quote we see the familiar insincere language, “my friends”, and the assurance of benevolence followed by an announcement that there is but one remedy and one solution. If the “generous” offer is not accepted you will be annihilated as a matter of due course and practicality.
In order to gain public approval to engage in this brutal campaign to subdue the backward savage the use of dime novels became an effective method to control the narrative. They contained colorful stories of the Western Frontier depicting horrific attacks instigated by the Natives against settlers for reasons of mere depravity and nothing more.
These stories were based loosely on truth, as deadly attacks did occur, however, the stories did not tell the whole story.
Often, they were highly exaggerated or just out right lies to fan the flames of discontent. There was never any balance and the slaughter of Native villages was simply glossed over, ignored, or counted as justified. It mattered not that the settlers were unlawfully setting up homesteads on Government sanctioned Indian Territory. They painted the stage and formed the narrative so that the civilized peoples – the apparent rightful owners of the land, the sky, the water – could absolve themselves of any responsibility for the atrocities committed to tame/take the land.
Are we, the “anti-science” people, the backward savage? Mischaracterized by the media and unable to swallow the lies of civilized medicine? The stories of vaccine victims ignored or, worse yet, mocked and dismissed. We are not willing to give up our sovereignty and safety for a free prize or acceptance by the herd so that others may take what is not theirs to take – our body autonomy, civil rights, and our sovereignty.
“The love of possession is a disease with them; they take tithes from the poor and weak to support the rich who rule. They claim this mother of ours, the Earth, for their own and fence their neighbors away.”
-Sioux Chief Sitting Bull
The Indians claimed that when they had signed the treaty transferring title to their land, they had not understood the implications of the action.
“I touched the goose quill to the treaty not knowing, however, that by that act I consented to give away my village.”
-Chief Black Hawk
The delivery of the troublemakers to the undesirable lands took many years to complete.
The process was riddled with incompetence as the veiled disgust for the Native American was difficult to mask. The removal was carried out with an utter lack of concern for their well-being. Thousands died on their forced march to the reservations and once they got there the promised supplies of food, shelter, and clothing failed to show up. They were now weak, sick, and starving. Upon hearing the news of the botched deliveries and accommodations the Government did… nothing. It would appear to have been part of the plan.
These demoralized and abused people had nothing but despair and betrayal gnawing at their bones. In this terrible condition it was decided that their traumatized children should then be taken from them. Their young minds needed to be captured, re-educated and reprogrammed to accept docility and obedience as virtues. Ultimately, this was done to wipe the precious memory of their history from consciousness and from their souls. They were beaten, defeated, and powerless.
The authorities in charge clear cut the land of one species to plant another in its place.
A mono-crop of people that would more readily service and obey the laws and personal ambitions of the legislative body and its cronies. Seeding the ground for future expansion and usurpation that inevitably led to this road – the road to serfdom and the trail of tears.
“Half the infants, six months or a year, and all the aged over 60 had been killed directly, and one fourth of the remainder. There seems to be no place, nor means, nor time for the recovery of any who are now sick.”
-Cherokee missionary Daniel S. Butrick on the prison camps
Once again, if we just obey, do as we are told – trust the “Great Science Father” – it will all be fine. What could go wrong? We find that, not only do we feel the heat of Government tyranny relentlessly inching its way up our backside, we also seem to have no way to put out the fire. Our justice system, law enforcement, and military seem to have ditched their oaths to serve and protect. Sadly, many have hit their limit and have succumbed to the relentless pressure to believe and conform. All of this turmoil (read: job loss, medical murder, financial ruin, suicide) because far too many were convinced that we are at war with a virus. Is it not yet clear that the virus they seek to defeat is you and me?
We are now engaged in a quasi civil war between believers and skeptics. Many will read this post and find it ludicrous but time will tell. Father time has no emotions nor loyalties. What will be will be and the lesson meant for us to learn and resolve will once again be pushed onto the next generation and become their burden – their misery.
Each city and town undergoing a transformation.
Each one a locked down reservation ruled by petty tyrants that disembowel our rights as human beings through threats and force. And as they strip you naked and whip you with spiked legislation they smile and tell you to “have a nice day”. We have allowed dictators to issue ultimatums in exchange for freedom – in exchange for our God given right to self autonomy.
As with the Natives, the threats and lies will continue until we are broken. Creating one fake crises after another. Our food supplies, utilities, and monetary systems will most likely be targeted next. A software virus will likely make an appearance too and be blamed for all the misery they intend to inflict upon us. The novel world is just a revision of the old world with a bigger tool box of destructive measures and a deadlier arsenal.
“I could not but think that some fearful retribution would come upon us. The scene seemed to me like a distempered dream, or something worthy of the dark ages rather than a present reality.”
-Lieutenant John W. Phelps, who assisted with the removal
The message today seems to have the same clear tones of past civilization resets. Follow the plan and we’ll put out the fire we lit beneath your feet… for now. If you do not cooperate, we shall take your livelihood, take your property, take your children, take your life… Yes, we can do that and still sleep at night. We have declared our intentions and written laws that give us carte blanche control over you whenever we declare “an emergency”.
In lieu of an actual pandemic we shamelessly created our own.
We engaged fear and emotional manipulation to get you on board with our agenda. After the fear campaign began to lose traction we launched our rewards program. It was pathetic but it worked – free junk food, trinkets, plundering social security funds and calling it a lottery, and promises of a better life. Our doublespeak proclaiming a clear contradiction in messaging was an extraordinary success! Many of you listened to our words but failed to read our own admission that “the cure” does not provide short or long term immunity nor does it stop infection or transmission. We can’t even prove that it helps with mitigating severe symptoms or outcomes. And yet, you chose to take this experimental concoction based on theory and guilt alone!
Further, you believe yourselves to be immune from all “variants” of coronavirus. Or do you? We, the experts, have said yes, then no, then yes, and no again but you keep trusting us. Somehow, our seeming incompetence doesn’t frighten you. The shot magically removes the stigma of being a walking bio-threat and you have the blue wrist band to prove it! A very proud moment and one we will continue to encourage and capitalize upon. Keep posting your vaccinated status – but if you should become injured and report this on social media – you will fall from grace and receive warnings for posting “anti” information. We will make you sit in the corner with a dunce cap on your head because we know how much you need approval and acceptance from the herd.
Also, remember, your injury or death as a result of taking our miracle shot is on you alone – we are immune from liability. Sorry about that, Chief, but we have already sacrificed so much of ourselves to this endeavor to save your life… you understand. Keep rolling up your sleeves for there is no end in sight – if we make it you’re gonna take it. With both barrels loaded through writ of legislation you’ll be a customer for life. Hot Damn!
Similar to today, the ability to “opt-out” will evaporate as sure as the sun rises, the waters flow, and the grasses grow.
Why? Simply put, there are too many people in this world that walk this earth in a vegetative state. Their numbness and inability to recognize their actual beauty, power, and strength plays into the hands of the wicked. It therefore adds to the overwhelming weight of the task that should be carried by all but is left to the few. The oppressors secure their win by harnessing the obese wave of misinformed consent.
At this point, there is no point in arguing over numbers and statistics. That’s a dead horse that has no beginning and no end. The only truth available to us is the truth that lies within, our God particle, and the power of our own perception. There are many that have been severely injured by this terror campaign – and, make no mistake, that is exactly what this is. No one leaves the ring unscathed regardless of whether you are choosing to face your fears and take a stand or to obediently stand in line.
“There are many trails in this life, but the one that matters most, few men are able to walk…even Comanche men. It is the trail of a true human being. I think you are on this trail. It is a good thing for me to see. It is good for my heart.”
– Kicking Bird “Dances with Wolves”
Some tribes chose to fight.
Some chose to adopt the ways of the new sheriff in town and coexist in order to survive. They dove-tailed their customs with that of the novel way in hopes they could make the best of a bad situation. Unfortunately, in the end, there was no difference in the outcome. Fighting back may have changed timelines and, perhaps, saved them from complete destruction but ultimately the force against them was too great. Those that chose to peacefully acquiesce met the same fate as those that chose to fight.
Please understand, this post is not about the guilt of one people over another and the legacy shame we are instructed to take on as our own. Rather, this is about the human race and how we can be, and have been, turned against one another since time immemorial. We are doing this now, whether we acknowledge it or not, to our own personal shame and Spirit’s devolution. For the Native American it led to an endless trail of tears. I fear that is where we are headed because our tribes are too few and the resistance too weak.
“Dances with Wolves! I am Wind in His Hair! Do you see that I am your friend? Can you see that you will always be my friend?”
If I have to walk this trail I will do it – for my conscience leaves me no other choice. I will continue to dance to the beat of my own drum and I will not keep company with fools any longer. This reservation we have been living on – it’s time to leave it. It’s time to find “the Way, the Truth, and the Life”.
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Agree 100%! According to Sheriff Mack, 650 Indian Tribes are joining the fight to defend our freedoms!
Finally, some good news! Thanks for reading and leaving a comment 🙂