T-shirt Shop is Open!
It’s not easy to say goodbye to the website design business that was BanjoCat Creative. All things have their season and inevitable transformation. Perhaps it is a mirror of our own personal transformation and recognition of the changes we are experiencing in life today. Out of chaos – clarity is often found. And sometimes clarity can be found in a T-shirt…
With that said, please help us welcome our latest creation – an online T-shirt shop! The selection is currently focused on current events but it will expand to other categories. Our amusing yet serious blog about our weekly thoughts and observations or “TAO” is still an essential part of the website. The plan is to eventually get our articles circulating and shared on other critical-thinking information based websites like this one!
Revised 2/2024: T-Shirt shop is no more… It was sure fun coming up with designs! Might have to revisit that sometime in the future.
Serenity, our home on wheels, is still a part of this adventure but as I think we all understand… plans for that future are on hold until the dust settles and we know if we are living in the Great Reset or the Great Awakening. Really hoping humanity wakes up or we are all really screwed. Eventually, we will return to writing about our travels but until then – we have a job to do.
It’s all quite fitting in a way – the timing of this farewell. As it turns out, scrapping the website design business was necessary. Even though it was a good idea that meshed perfectly with our combined skill set – it just never felt quite right. Why didn’t it work? Well, the signs were there all along that we were heading in the wrong direction but it’s not easy to admit it when you don’t have an alternate plan. Time and circumstance keep shaping us and we are learning to adapt as things change and evolve.
So to, the world is changing and in a way it is dying or evolving – because it must – humanity has once again played itself out. But from destruction comes rebirth and in this there is hope. My prayer is that the grief we must experience, the growing pains we must endure, will be enough to right the course of humanity – to one of true freedom, true love, and true brotherhood.
And so, just for old times sake, take one last listen to the jingle I composed when we first formed this business. I promise it will make you smile.
Update: I had so much fun putting this song together and it still puts a smile on my face every time I give it a listen. On another note, we had to say goodbye to our Pangur, the BanjoCat, in June 2022. We miss him a whole lot. When the time is right we plan on adopting another awesome cat because life just seems better with one around.